Monday, June 29, 2009

Life goes on

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your kind thoughts, prayers and energy that so many of you have been sending our way. Greg is almost fully recovered and we are finally starting to get back on a schedule, well, kind is summer. As July approaches quickly, we are trying to find a good balance between catching up on the rest that we all need and getting ready for a week in NYC without the kids and then off to northern Michigan for a family vacation.

This year I have found that I am spending way too much time weeding my garden and worrying over my wimpy tomato plants. Due to the lack of heat this summer the tomatoes are taking forever to grow. My plants were pretty small to begin with since I have refused to buy grow lights, but I am now thinking that next spring I will be making that investment.

I have harvested almost 7 pounds of sugar snap peas and I think the gurl and boy ate about 2-3 pounds while playing outside every day. They loved sitting in the pea patch and snacking, and I loved watching them do so!

At this point my lettuce is still kickin' strong and I have harvested almost 4 pounds of lettuce (which is A LOT) and about 3 pounds of arugula. My beets, carrots and onions are doing wonderful and I hope to have pictures soon of some of those harvests along with the garlic that will soon be harvested.

It is finally starting to feel like summer and I am excited to see what challenges, changes and experiences that July offers.

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